Permanent Marks



Parenting young adults is a different kind of parenting altogether. I wrote the first draft of this piece a few years ago, shortly after Second Son left home for the first time.  First Son had already left and come back and left again, as happens in the early twenties when the distance between home stays gets longer and longer.  No matter what comes after, that first big departure always hits a tender spot in a Mom’s heart. 

It’s a mother’s job. At every stage of departure, be it kindergarten or college, a mom’s greatest gift is bittersweet satisfaction. We love our children with an ever-loosening grip so they can eventually fly on their own.

Go read the rest of the article about letting go over at (in)Courage … HERE.

I’d love it if you’d head over there and leave a comment.

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[ Post image clipped from front page @ inCourage ]